
15 mars 2012

Brev till biståndsminister Gunilla Carlsson om Sveriges arbete med transparens i biståndet (eng)

#eu:s och sveriges bistånd

Dear Minister Carlsson

Including progress on aid transparency within Sweden’s Open Government Partnership Action Plan

As Sweden prepares to submit its Open Government Partnership (OGP) Action Plan for April 2012 we the undersigned civil society organisations are writing to encourage you to take this opportunity to build on both the aid transparency commitments made at the Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness (HLF-4) in December 2011 and your progress within the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) process.

As you know, the main challenge Sweden aims to address through its OGP Action Plan – to more effectively manage public resources – can be appropriately applied to aid transparency. We therefore anticipate seeing more specific action points relating to aid transparency included within Sweden’s OGP Action Plan.

Through the commitments already delivered by OGP founding members, including the U.K and U.S., the links between the OGP and IATI agenda’s have been made explicit , as has the potential for OGP participation to complement the IATI process and vice versa. Thus it might be appropriate to include the following intentions within Sweden’s OGP Action Plan:

  • Continuing to improve Sweden’s IATI data – particularly by publishing 2011 data;
  • Setting a timetable for publication of development-related flows, including climate finance;
  • Implementing IATI fully by December 2015.

We look forward to working with you and your officials in the future as Sweden continues to make progress in this important area.

Yours sincerely,

Magnus Falklöf, Director, CONCORD Sweden

Bo Forsberg, Secretary General, Diakonia

Warren Krafchik, Director, International Budget Partnership and member of the IATI Steering Committee

Brian Tomlinson, Open Forum on CSO Development Effectiveness, IATI Steering Committee member and co-Chair of the IATI CSO Working Group

Karin Christiansen, Managing Director, Publish What You Fund and member of the IATI Steering Committee

Robin Hodess, Director, Research and Knowledge Group, Transparency International and member of the IATI Steering Committee

Beris Gwynne, Partnership Leader for Global Accountability, World Vision International. Member of the INGO Charter of Accountability Board, representative on the CSO Open Forum on Development Effectiveness International CSO Advisory Group and co-Chair of the IATI CSO Working Group

Brevet/the letter (pdf)